“Royal Geographical Society” (p. 63)
ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY.—Nov. 27, W. R. Hamilton, Esq., President, in the Chair. On the study of Geography in Switzerland, by Professor Chaix, of Geneva.—Captain Alexander’s account of his expedition to Walwisch Bay, stating his return to the Cape on the 21st September.—Captain Burns’ examination of the Indus as far as Attok on his way to Cabul.—In the course of this evening the gold medal of the Geographical Society of Paris, was presented to Capt. Back. The President in presenting the medal, alluded to the important discoveries of Capt. Back, in his search after Sir John Ross, for which the medal was awarded; he also alluded in highly flattering terms to the masterly retreat made by Captain Back from his late perilous expedition, in furtherance of those discoveries, and congratulated him on his safe return from a voyage of so much danger, privation, and suffering, in which he had put the seal to another triumph of order, discipline, and obedience, when under the guidance of skill and experience. Captain Back returned thanks, and spoke in glowing terms of the perilous condition of his ship, which suffered so much from the ponderous pieces of ice forced against her by the violence of the current, as to have been nearly overwhelmed,—a fate only arrested by the invisible hand of Providence. An animated discussion went forward on the current alluded to.