“Proposed Settlement in Davis Straits” (3, p. 608)

Hull, 12th July, 1837.

MR. EDITOR,—The arrival of the Swan at this port, in a situation too dreadful to be described, will, I presume, set the question of a settlement on the west coast of Baffin’s Bay completely at rest. The sufferings of the crew in attempting to reach the shore even under favourable circumstances, must point out in stronger terms than can be done by any pen, the futility of such a proposition. I have lately had the pleasure of communicating with Capt. Dring, who concurs in my opinion, that the plan I have suggested is the only sure one; and he is of opinion also, that no ship should be permitted to leave England, or be with less than seventeen or eighteen month’s provisions. In this stock of provision, there should be but a small proportion of salt meat, the use of which he found so pernicious; and there should be an ample proportion of anti-scorbutics.

I regret that the subject has not been taken into consideration during this session of parliament, but I am glad to find that Mr. Bannerman, who has been justly named the “Sailor’s Friend,” intends to take it up next year. In the meantime I find, that until something is done, the valuable western fishery is to be abandoned! and that this next year the ships will not attempt to cross at all. I need scarcely add that the loss of this excellent nursery for seamen, will be a serious one to the nation.

I am, your obedient servant,
A. B.