“Miscellaneous Intelligence – Captain Ross’s Publication” (p. 438)

To the Editor of the Nautical Magazine.

“SIR—I opened this ponderous work, expecting that the first thing I should find in it would be some expression of gratitude for the general anxiety that had been expressed in this country for the safety of its author; the result of which feeling was, a subscription of somewhere about six thousand pounds, to equip an expedition, and send an enterprizing officer in search of him and his companions—and this, too, to the no little trouble of some leading men, who nobly lent their aid, not only towards the sum that was subscribed, but the best means of appropriating that sum, so that it should not be spent in vain. Truly, Sir, when I recollected that the name of Ross and his companions had been re-echoed from one end of the country to the other, the deep solicitude that had been every where felt for his safety, the eloquent appeal of a gallant admiral, who said at a public meeting, “I will not believe that nineteen sailors, who had felt no hope of gain but the advantage that would result from their exertions to this country, will be allowed to return in vain at every season of darkness to their miserable night, without a struggle being made for their lives,”—an appeal which was well seconded by many, and the objects of it assisted by Government,—I certainly did consider that some acknowledgment was due from the principal of those individuals for whom all this had been said and done; and I naturally expected that it would have been the first thing in the ‘publication.’ But, alas! instead of this, I found a portrait of Captain Ross! And although I persevered in my endeavours to find something to the purpose in some part of the work, I regret to say that I was disappointed. But perhaps, Mr. Editor, you may have been more successful, and can point out a saving clause of the kind. Trusting that you may be able to do so, for the sake of the blue jackets, who are not in general accused either of a want of gratitude or generosity,

“I am, Sir, your obedient servant.     
“A TAR.”

[Our correspondent has fairly puzzled us. We have not mustered sufficient resolution yet to encounter the work to which he alludes; but we apprehend there is little more in it of the really useful kind than will be found in our chart of the North Polar Regions. As for bears, Esquimaux, and foxes, we have had them usque ad nauseam. And as for the old question of the N.W. passage, we still find a coastline of two hundred miles extent yet unexplored, and laid down on the report of Esquimaux.]