Literary and Scientific Notices: Captain Ross (p. 740-1)

ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. CAPTAIN ROSS.—This Society held its first meeting for the season on Monday evening, the 11th Nov. when the royal premium for 1833 was presented to Captain Ross. The chair was filled by H. Hamilton. Esq., who addressed the veteran navigator in a brief but judicious manner, expressing the high sense which the Society entertained of his merits, and alluding in eloquent terms to the singular fortunes of the expedition. He mentioned, among other circumstances not generally known, that so entirely had the relatives of Captain Ross lost all hopes of his return, that they had even opened his will. He referred to the skill and care requisite to preserve the health and lives of a crew in long voyages—the chief theme of   the panegyric addressed to Captain Cook by Sir J. Pringle, late President of the Royal Society—and justly remarked, that such skill and care were never exerted under more difficult circumstances, nor with more wonderful success, than in the late expedition. He then proceeded to pronounce a warm and well-merited eulogium on the second officer of the Victory, Commander J. Ross. This young officer accompanied his uncle in the first expedition to Lancaster Sound in 1818. He likewise accompanied Captain Parry in his three voyages; and in the last of them, when it was resolved to abandon the Fury, he was the officer directed to stow away her provisions. After the lapse of four years he was again led to the same spot by a singular chain of events, and recovered those very stores and provisions, without which the expedition would have been ruined. “Captain J. Ross,” continued Mr. Hamilton, “having spent thirteen summers and eight winters in the arctic regions, is now happily returned to us, to communicate the results of his geographical and scientific researches, in the full possession of health, youth, and experience; of a well-earned, and widely extended fame.” The meeting was unusually numerous, and much enthusiastic feeling was manifested in the course of the evening. The Geographical Society goes on prosperously. While its prizes are bestowed on such men as Lander, Biscoe, and Ross, it is rendered illustrious by the honours which emanate from it.—Athenæum.