Leopold McClintock to James Clark Ross (13/Feb/18xx)
2 Gardiners Place
Dublin 13th Febry
My dear Sir,
I received my appointment to the Command of Intrepid, tender to Resolute Capt Kellett, yesterday evening so shall be at the Admty early on Monday Morning. I know nothing of the intended plans of seach, but hope I am not to be left behind as a reserve at Beechey Island. Until I see Sir Edward I cannot form any idea upon this point.
I cannot refrain from expressing how much I feel indebted to you for my advancement and present prospects in the service; — It was under your Command that I first learnt the mode of travelling which has since served me so well, and which — if the opportunity is afforded me —, will I trust lead to further promotion.
I remain
my dear Sir
very sincerely yours
F. L. M:Clintock