The Last Will and Testament of Francis R. M. Crozier
This transcription is based on a probate that can be found within the records of Prerogative Court of Canterbury under the reference PROB 11/2198/333.
Direct Transcription
In the Name of God Amen I Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier Commander of Her Britannic Majestys Sloop Terror being in sound bodily health and of disposing mind and memory and considering the perils and dangers of the seas and other uncertainties in this transitory life do (for avoiding controversies after my decease) make publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner following (that is to say) I give bequeath and dispose of unto my dear sisters Rachael and Charlotte Crozier their heirs and assigns my freehold property at the Banbridge in the County of Down in Ireland for their own sole use and benefit subject to a gift of thirty pounds sterling to Sally Kavanagh of twenty pounds sterling to Jane Kavanagh and of ten pounds sterling to Sarah And as to all other my lands tenements goods and chattels I will and desire that my Executor hereinafter named shall will the same and the produce thereof together with all such wages sums and sums of money as shall be anyways due owing or belonging to me at the time of my decease I do give and bequeath the same unto my before named sisters Rachael and Charlotte Crozier And I do hereby nominate and appoint my eldest brother William Crozier residing at ForField Lodge in the County of Dublin in Ireland the whole and sole Executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former and other wills testaments and deeds of gifts by me at any time heretofore made and I do ordain and ratify these presents to stand and be for and as my only last will and testament In witness whereof to this my said will I have set my hand and seal the ninth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one and in the fifth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith and so forth _ FRM Crozier (L.S.)1 – HM Sloop Terror at Sea Lat 42.13 S Longde 149.13 E. _ Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of _ John Robertson Surgeon _ J. E. Davis Second Master _ G. H. Moubray Clerk in Charge.
In the Goods of Captain Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier deceased. _
William Crozier of Greenwood in the County of Dublin Esquire maketh oath and saith he is the sole Executor named in the last will and testament of deponents brother Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier Post Captain in Her Majestys Royal Navy and late Commander of Her Majestys Sloop Terror deceased Saith said deceased was in command of said Sloop which formed one of the two sloops of the Expedition under Sir John Franklin when said Expedition sailed from Northfleet on the nineteenth of May one thousand eight hundred and forty five in search of a North West Passage Saith that since the sailing of said expedition letters were received from said deceased by several Members of his family the last of which addressed to this deponents sister Charlotte Crozier of Number two Sandford Place County of Dublin was dated from on board Her Majestys Sloop Terror at Whale Fish Island Davis Straits and bears date July sixth and was received by this deponents sister shortly after the date thereof in the said year one thousand eight hundred and forty five Saith since the said month of July one thousand eight hundred and forty five no letters have been received from the said deceased by any Member of his family or by any other person that deponent has heard of and deponent verily believes that the said deceased died either in or since the said month of July one thousand eight hundred and forty five And deponent saith he believes that he perished with the other persons who said on said Expedition. Saith that on the assumption that said deceased has perished with said Expedition his name has been struck off the Navy List since the first of April one thousand eight hundred and fifty four as deponent believes Saith that the property within Ireland whereof deceased died possessed consists of the arrears of rent of a small freehold property situate in the County of Down amounting to a rent fifteen pounds a year the exact amount of which deponent is unable to set forth and also of a principal sum of one thousand pounds formerly lent upon the estate of W E Reilly Esquire deceased with an arrear of interest thereon and lately paid off by the Incumbered2 Estates Court and invested in the purchase of a sum of one thousand three hundred and ninety nine pounds thirteen shillings and ten pence three and a quarter per cent stock as deponent believes and also consists of some books prints and trinkets which deponent supposes would amount in value to about thirty pounds deponent further saith in reference to the period of the execution of the last will and testament of said deceased hereto annexed which bears date the ninth day of July one thousand eight hundred and forty one he verily believes that the Period of said execution deceased was actually in service on board said Sloop the Terror and was at the time at sea as stated in the deceaseds own handwriting at the foot of his signature to said will and that he was then in command of Her Majestys said Sloop Terror which was then on a Voyage of Discovery to the South Sea _ Wm Crozier _ Sworn 3rd day of October 1853 _ Before R. Keatinge _
In the Goods of Captain Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier deceased.
William Crozier Junior of twenty four Middle Gardiner Street in the City of Dublin Barrister at Law maketh oath and saith he knew and was intimately acquainted with the late Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier deceased and with his usual character and manner of handwriting having often seen him write and subscribe his name Saith he has looked at the paper writing hereto annexed purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased and at the signature “F. R. M. Crozier” and the words and figures at the foot of same H. M. Sloop Terror at Sea Lat. 42. 18S. _ Longde 149.13E written under said signature And saith the said signature and the said words and figures were written thereunder are all of the proper handwriting and signature of said deceased to the best of deponents judgement and belief and deponent saith he has no beneficial interest in the assets and effects of said deceased _ William Crozier Jr. _ Sworn 2rd day of October 1854 before R. Keatinge _
The last will and testament of Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier late Post Captain in the Royal Navy and Commander of Her Majestys Sloop Terror deceased (having and soforth) was Proved in common form of Law and probate thereof granted by the Most Reverend Father John George and soforth unto William Crozier of Greenwood in the County of Dublin Esquire the sole Executor of said will he being first sworn personally saving and soforth Dated the tenth day of October 1954 _ M. Keatinge _ A. J. Hawkins, D. Registrars.
Proved at London 18th Octr 1854 before the worshipful Samuel Jewkes Wambey Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of Wiliam Crozier Esquire the brother the sole Executor to whom Admōn was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.