Allotment Lists

Overview Page HMS Erebus, 1845 HMS Terror, 1845

Allotment List of HMS Terror, 1845

No. on the Muster Book MEN’S NAMES1 Quality Rate per Month Declaration to whom the Allotment shall be paid2 Where and when Married; if to a Child, its Name, Age and where Baptized Residence of the Party allotted to Man’s Signature or Mark Date of Allotment Where payable
Relationship3 Name
List No. 1
8Thomas BlankyIce Master, Acting9.0.0WifeEsther BlankyWhitby
41 Grafton Street, Toxteth Park, LiverpoolNameOct/1845Custom House, Liverpool
List No. 4
1Thomas HoneyCarpenter, 3rd Class5.0.0WifeMargaret HoneyPlymouth
51 Duke Street, DevonportName1/Jun/18454Devonport Dockyard
2John LaneBoatswain, 3rd Class5.0.05WifeEliza LanePortsmouth
6 King Street Church Path, Kingston, PortseaNameDoPortsmouth Dockyard
Ship’s Company
1George J. CannAB1.16.0MotherMargaret Cann44 Blackman Street, Southwark, LondonNameDoWhitehall6
2John DiggleShip’s Cook2.4.0Mother at Minimum ratePhoebe Diggle13 Dacres Street, WestminsterNameDoDo
4William StrongAB1.16.0MotherHannah StrongGreen Lane, Hambledon, HampshireNameDoPortsmouth Dockyard
12William GibsonSubordinate Officers’ Steward1.16.0FatherStewart Gibson23 Upper Agle Street, St. Marylebone, LondonNameDoWhitehall
14Henry SaltAB1.16.0MotherCatharine WhittingtonWest Street, BognorMarkDoCustom House, Chichester
16Alexander BerryAB1.16.0WifeEleanor BerrySt. Shields
Thames Street, St. ShieldsNameDoSt. Shields7
17Reuben MaleCaptain of the Forecastle2.8.0MotherHannah Male3 Church Street, DeptfordNameDoDeptford Dockyard
18Alexander WilsonCapenter’s Mate2.12.0WifeSarah WilsonBishop Weymouth, Durkam
21 St. Ann’s Street, Limehouse, LondonNameDoWhitehall
20John WilsonCaptain’s Coxswain2.8.08WifeJane WilsonPortsmouth
15 Briton Street St. Georges’ Square, PortseaNameDoPortsmouth Dockyard
21Thomas DarlingtonCaulker2.12.0WifeSarah DarlingtonPlymouth
28 Broomfield Place, DeptfordNameDoDeptford Dockyard
22William JohnsonStoker2.8.0WifeAnn JohnsonHull
53 Upper Cornwall Street, St. Georges in the East9MarkDoWhitehall10
23Thomas R. FarrCaptain of the Maintop2.8.0SisterLouise Henry3 Orchard Hill Lime Kiln, GreenwichMarkDoDeptford Dockyard
24John HandfordAB1.4.0Mother at Minimum rateAnn HandfordMill Hill, SunderlandNameDoCustom House, Sunderland
36Samuel CrispeAB1.16.011WifeMary Ann CrispeGillingham
4 Cross Street on the Brook, ChathamNameDoChatham Dockyard
39William ShanksAB1.16.0WifeAntasker ShanksDundee
Fish Street, DundeeNameDoCustom House, Dundee
40David McDonaldQuartermaster2.8.0WifeAnn McDonaldPeterhead
5 Errol Street, PeterheadNameDoCustom House, Peterhead12
41David LeysAB1.16.0WifeChristina LeysBraichen, near Aberdeen
9 Trinity Key, AberdeenNameDoCustom House, Aberdeen
45Robert Thomas CarrArmourer2.6.0WifeDeborah CarrLeigh
10 Cannon Street, Deptford New TownNameDoDeptford Dockyard13
46Thomas JohnsonBoatswain’s Mate2.8.0SisterJane Johnson4 Branson’s Court, Heath Street, HampsteadNameDoWhitehall
47Edwin LawrenceAB1.16.0WifeHarriet LawrenceLondon
3 Spencers Street, St. Georges in the East, LondonNameDoDo
49Thomas ArmitageGunroom Steward1.16.0WifeCecilia ArmitageGillingham
3 New Road, ChathamMarkDoChatham Dockyard
51James ElliotSailmaker2.12.0SisterEmma Elliott7 Ship Halfmoon, WoolwichNameDoWoolwich Dockyard
52Thomas JopsonCaptain’s Steward1.16.0FatherWilliam Jopson3 Gee Street, Brick Lane, St. Lukes, LondonNameDoWhitehall
53John KenleyQuartermaster2.4.0WifeHelen KenleyForgun, Fife
60 Blackscroft, Butcher’s Land, DundeeNameDoCustom House, Dundee
54James WalkerAB1.16.0SisterAnn WoodHugh Street, South ShieldsNameDoSt. Shields14
55Edward GengePaymaster and Purser’s Steward2.4.0SisterMaria GengeCold Harbor, DosportNameDoPortsmouth Dockyard
56William RhodesQuartermaster2.8.0WifeMary RhodesLondon
4 Upper Harley Street Cavendish Square, LondonNameDoWhitehall
57William WentzallAB1.16.0WifeHannah WentzallLondon
14 Little Thames Street, GreenwichNameDoDeptford15
25John BatesAB1.16.0MotherAnn BatesSpring Cottage, Chalk Road, DarlingtonMarkDoWhitehall
38John TorringtonLeading Stoker2.16.0MotherMary Torrington33 Little James Street Oxford Street16NameDoDo
List No. 4 continued
3John ThompsonEngineer, 1st Class13.0.0FatherWilliam ThompsonMeadow Lane, LeedsNameDoExcise Office, Leeds
Marines 3rd Class
1William HedgesCorporal1.8.0WifeEliza HedgesCharlton
10 Geofrey Street, WoolwichNameDoWoolwich Dockyard
  1. Additional text: “To follow each other in the order they stand on the Ship’s Book. Care is to be taken to insert all the Christian Names accurately.
  2. Additional text: “Care to be taken to insert all the Christian Names.”
  3. Additional text: “Wife, Father, Mother, Grandmother, Mother-in-law, Brother, Sister, or Child, above 18 years of age, or Trustee for Brother, Sister or Child under that age. No allotments can be made to any others.”
  4. Column has a sideways note for this date further down (near William Gibson), the date has been taken to mean everyone except Thomas Blanky.
  5. Full rate write-in: “From 1.18.0 to 5.0.0 and from Woolwich to Portsea / Sent 10 July ’45
  6. Crossed out: Somerset House (this counts for all mentions of Whitehall unless indicated otherwise)
  7. Crossed out: Custom House, Newcastle
  8. Full rate write-in: “From 1.6.0 to 2.8.0 and from Harwich to Portsmouth / Sent 9 July ’45”
  9. Original address crossed out
  10. Crossed out: Custom House, Hull
  11. Full rate write-in: “From 18 s. to 1.16.0 Chatham / Sent 9 July ’45”
  12. Crossed out: Custom House, Dundee
  13. Crossed out: Somerset House
  14. Crossed out: Custom House
  15. Crossed out: Somerset House
  16. Original address crossed out