Allotment Lists

Overview Page HMS Erebus, 1845 HMS Terror, 1845

Allotment List of the HMS Erebus, 1845

No. on the Muster Book MEN’S NAMES1 Quality Rate per Month Declaration to whom the Allotment shall be paid2 Where and when Married; if to a Child, its Name, Age and where Baptized Residence of the Party allotted to Man’s Signature or Mark Date of Allotment Where payable
Relationship3 Name
List No. 1
8James ReidActing Master9.0.0WifeAnn ReidMontrose
No. 21 Prince Regent Street, AberdeenNameOct/1845Custom House, Aberdeen
List No. 4
1Thomas TerryBoatswain, 3rd Class5.0.04WifeSarah Ann TerryRamsgate
No. 3 Hardross Street, RamsgateName1/Jun/1845Custom House, Ramsgate
3John WeekesCarpenter, 2nd Class5.18.0MotherRachel WeekesNo. 34 Cumberland Street, PortseaNameDoPortsmouth Dockyard
Ship’s Company
3Charles CoombsAB1.16.0Trustee for a ChildRachel Hannah MearsNo. 5 Bridge Street, GreenwichNameDoDeptford Dockyard5
4Samuel Brown (alias William Hardy)Boatswain’s Mate2.8.0WifeMary BrownSt. Georges in the Field Roman Catholic Chapel
No. 40 Artillery Place, WoolwichNameDoWoolwich Dockyard
5Richard WallShip’s Cook2.16.0WifeHannah WallPlumstead
No. 4 John Street, New Town, WoolwichMarkDoDo
6Robert SinclairCaptain of the Foretop2.8.0MotherGrace SinclairKirkwall, OrkneysNameDoCustom House, Kirkwall
7William FowlerPaymaster & Purser’s Steward2.4.0FatherSamuel FowlerNo. 16 Cumberland Street Hackney RoadNameDoWhitehall6
8George ThompsonAB1.16.0BrotherWilliam ThompsonSun Tavern, Mason Street, LambethMarkDoDo
9James W. BrownCaulker2.12.0WifeSophia BrownBromley
1837 or 1838
No. 8 Ann Street, WoolwichName and MarkDoWoolwich Dockyard
10John CowieStoker2.8.0WifeEliza CowieRochester
Grove Cottage, ChathamNameDoChatham Dockyard
11John HartnellAB1.16.0MotherSarah HartnellNew Brompton, KentNameDoDo
12Thomas HartnellAB1.16.0MotherSarah HartnellNew Brompton, KentNameDoDo
13John SticklandAB1.16.0MotherAnn SticklandWatt’s Place, ChathamNameDoDo
15John SullivanCaptain of the Maintop2.8.0WifeJulia SullivanGillingham
King’s Court Middle Street, Brompton, KentMarkDoDo
16Philip ReddingtonCaptain of the Forecastle2.8.0WifeElizabeth ReddingtonChatham
No. 28 Manor Street, Brompton, KentNameDoDo
17William OrrenAB1.16.0MotherMargaret OrrenHigh Street, Brompton, KentMarkDoDo
18James RigdenCaptain’s Coxswain2.8.0WifeCaroline RigdenKingston, Portsea
North Road, Landport, PortseaNameDoPortsmouth Dockyard
21John BridgensSubordinate Officers’ Steward1.16.0MotherHarriet RichardsNo. 3 New Road, WoolwichMarkDoWoolwich Dockyard
22Thomas WatsonCarpenter’s Mate2.12.0BrotherValentine WatsonCoal Exchange, Broad Street, Point, PortseaNameDoPortsmouth Dockyard
23Thomas PlaterStoker2.8.07WifeMary Ann PlaterSt. Andres, London
No. 12 Bedford Street Liquor Pond Street, Holborn, LondonNameDoWhitehall
24William SmithBlacksmith2.12.0WifeRebecca Ann SmithStepney
No. 6 Market Hill, WoolwichMarkDoWoolwich Dockyard
25Francis DunnCaulker’s Mate2.6.0MotherMary DunnLlanelly, South Wales, CarmarthenshireNameDoCustom House, Llanelly
29John MorfinAB1.16.0BrotherThomas MorfinNo. 18 New Road, DeptfordMarkDoDeptford Dockyard
32Daniel ArthurQuartermaster2.8.0WifeAnn ArthurDundee
Peter’s Court St. Andrew’s Place, DundeeNameDoCustom House, Dundee
41Thomas McConveyAB1.16.0FatherWilliam McConveyNo. 1 Crowther’s Court, Toxteth Park, LiverpoolNameDoCustom House, Liverpool
43William BellQuartermaster2.8.0WifeMargaret BellDundee
William Street, DundeeNameDoCustom House, Dundee
44Thomas WorkAB1.16.0WifeCatherine WorkKirkwall, OrkneysMason’s Buildings, Sugar Lane, Aberdeen8NameDoCustom House, Kirkwall9
45Robert FerrierAB1.16.0WifeAnn FerrierPerth
Foot Dee, Aberdeen10MarkDoCustom House, Aberdeen11
46Josephus GreaterAB1.16.0WifeMary Ann GeaterAberdeen
No. 2 Pork Lane, AberdeenNameDoDo
47George WilliamsAB1.16.0WifeMargaret WilliamsRotherhithe
No. 5 King Street, RotherhitheMarkDoWhitehall
48Thomas TadmanAB1.16.0MotherSarah TadmanMiddle Street, Brompton, KentNameDoChatham Dockyard
49Abraham SeelyAB1.16.0SisterMary Inchy 12No. 3 Oakley’s Buildings Thomas Street, Greenwich13NameDoDeptford Dockyard14
50Francis PocockAB1.16.0MotherSarah PocockUpnor, KentMarkDoChatham Dockyard
51Robert JohnsAB1.16.0WifeJemina JohnsPerryn
High Street, Penryn, CornwallNameDoCustom House, Falmouth
52John DowningAB1.16.0SisterElizabeth BlueCorner of Bath Street Mill Bay, PlymouthMarkDoDevon Dockyard15
List No. 4 continued
4John GregoryEngineer, 1st Class13.0.0WifeHannah GregoryAshton under Line, Lancashire
No. 7 Ely Place, LondonNameDoWhitehall
Ship’s Company continued
54James HartLeading Stoker2.16.0TrusteeWilliam SharpNo. 9 Alfred Place, ClaphamNameDoDo
55Richard AylmoreGunroom Steward1.16.0MotherAnn AylmoreNo. 5 Orchard Place, LimehouseName4/Jun/1845Whitehall
Marines – Not Classed
1Daniel BryantSergeant2.2.2WifeMary Ann BryantRotherhithe
No. 47 Lower Park Street, GreenhitheName1/Jun/1845Whitehall
Marines – 3rd Class
4Joseph HealeyPrivate, 3rd Class1.1.0MotherKaran HealeyNo. 31 Buckley Street, ManchesterMarkDoExcise Office, Manchester
  1. Additional text: “To follow each other in the order they stand on the Ship’s Book. Care is to be taken to insert all the Christian Names accurately.
  2. Additional text: “Care to be taken to insert all the Christian Names.”
  3. Additional text: “Wife, Father, Mother, Grandmother, Mother-in-law, Brother, Sister, or Child, above 18 years of age, or Trustee for Brother, Sister or Child under that age. No allotments can be made to any others.”
  4. Full rate write-in: “From 1.18.0 to 5.0.0 and from Sheerness to Ramsgate / Sent 19 July ’45”
  5. Crossed out: Woolwich Dockyard
  6. Crossed out: Somerset House (this counts for all mentions of Whitehall unless indicated otherwise)
  7. Full rate write-in: “From 1.4.0 to 2.8.0 Whitehall / Sent 27 January ’45”
  8. Possibly crossed out? New red writing (later added) says: Port Office, Kirkwall
  9. Crossed out: Custom House, Aberdeen
  10. Original address crossed out
  11. Crossed out: Custom House, Leith
  12. Other family member, likely sister, has been crossed out
  13. Original address crossed out
  14. Crossed out: Somerset House
  15. Crossed out: Plymouth Dockyard